In recent years, drones have been increasingly used for both recreational and commercial purposes. While these remote controlled aircraft may provide limitless possibilities, there are times when they must be legally stopped due to safety or privacy concerns. Understanding the right way to take down a drone can help protect you from any potential legal issues that could arise in such situations.

This guide will provide you with all of the information you need to know in order to safely and responsibly remove unwanted drones from your area without breaking any laws or putting yourself at risk.

How To Take Down A Drone Legally? 7 Methods

Contact The Pilot:

The first recommended course of action is to contact the pilot directly. Most drone operators will respond quickly and politely if you ask them to leave your property or airspace.

Drone pilots are usually quite familiar with federal and local laws regulating drone use, so they should be aware of any restrictions that apply to their activity in your area. The key is to be polite and respectful in your communication.

Ask Your Local Law Enforcement:

If you are unable to contact the drone pilot or they do not comply with your request, you may want to contact local law enforcement.

They will be able to provide advice on how best to handle the situation and whether there is any legal action that can be taken against the operator.

It is important to remember that drones are considered aircraft, so any interference with an unmanned aerial vehicle could result in criminal charges.

Investigate The Drone:

If you are able to safely approach the drone, you may be able to investigate it further to determine who owns it and where it may have originated from.

This can help you take steps to hold the operator accountable for their actions and provide evidence in any legal proceedings that may follow. It is important to note that you should never attempt to tamper with or interfere with the drone in any way.

Use Drone Jamming Technology:

In some cases, you may be able to use specialized drone jamming technology to disrupt the signal between the pilot and the unmanned aircraft.

This can cause the drone to lose power and land safely without causing any damage or harm. Be sure to check your local laws regarding the use of these devices as they are illegal in many jurisdictions. It should also be noted that the use of these devices can potentially interfere with other electronic systems in the area.

Use A Net Or Other Device:

Another way to take down a drone is to use a net or other device that can capture it and safely bring it down to the ground. This approach requires some skill, so make sure you practice before attempting this method.

It is also important to remember that any interference with an aircraft could still result in criminal charges, so use caution when attempting this approach. The use of a net or other device should only be used as a last resort.

Use A Drone Buster:

The last option is to use a drone buster, which is specially designed to take down drones without causing any damage or harm.

This device uses GPS technology to locate and latch onto an unmanned aircraft, and then it safely brings the drone down to the ground.

However, be sure to check your local laws regarding their use as some jurisdictions have banned them. The use of a drone buster can also be expensive, so make sure you research your options before investing in one.

Use Birds of Prey:

In some cases, you may be able to use specially trained birds of prey to take down a drone. This approach is becoming increasingly popular with law enforcement and can provide an effective way to quickly remove unwanted drones from the area.

This requires extensive training and the proper equipment, so make sure that you are adequately prepared before attempting this method. It is also important to remember that any interference with an aircraft could still result in criminal charges.

Can I Shoot Down A Drone?

No. For safety and legal reasons, it is never recommended that you shoot down a drone. Shooting at an aircraft can be considered a criminal act in many jurisdictions and could result in jail time or hefty fines.

Additionally, shooting at a drone poses serious risks to those on the ground due to stray bullets or ricochets. It is always best to use one of the other methods outlined in this guide if you need to take down a drone legally. There are several  reasons why shooting down a drone is illegal, and it is important to keep them in mind before attempting any type of interference with an unmanned aircraft.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has clear laws stating that it is illegal to interfere with any aircraft, including drones. Additionally, shooting at a drone can lead to serious injury or even death if someone were to be hit by stray bullets or ricochets from the gun. Not only could this result in legal action against you, but it could also create a dangerous situation for those in the vicinity of the drone.

It is always best to use one of the safer and more legal methods outlined above if you need to take down a drone without putting yourself at risk.


With technology advancing quickly, it’s no surprise that drone activity has become a point of conflict in the world. The ability to use drones to invade privacy or commit other crimes is real and could be a problem for anyone. 

That’s why understanding how to legally take down a drone is important. Armed with this knowledge, you can protect yourself and others from any unlawful actions that may have been taken against you through drone activity.

Dustin Dunnill
Dustin Dunnill is a drone enthusiast, tech aficionado, and the primary author for DronesMastery. With an extensive background in engineering and a passion for all things airborne, Dustin has been at the forefront of drone technology since its inception. Dustin's fascination with drones began years ago when he first witnessed the potential of these flying marvels. Since then, he has dedicated his life to understanding and exploring the capabilities of drones, becoming a respected figure in the drone community in the process. He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering and has worked on various drone projects, both big and small. His hands-on experience with drone design, operation, and maintenance has given him a unique and comprehensive understanding of this ever-evolving field. When he's not busy writing or tinkering with drones, Dustin enjoys photography, another hobby that drones have significantly enhanced. He believes that drones represent more than just technological advancement; they are tools that can unlock new perspectives and possibilities, literally and figuratively. Dustin aims to share his passion for drones with readers around the world, helping them navigate the exciting yet often complex realm of drone technology.